Sunday, March 7, 2010

Otros sitios / Other sites

Soon we are going to make changes.

Consulado de Chile en Canadá (corte el link y coloque en su navegador)

LATINO SOY 96.1 FM (corte el link y coloque en su navegador)

Excelente video musical de la zona del desastre (corte el link y coloque en su navegador)


  1. Hi there,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the way the Latin Community has come together and go beyond boundaries to help our brothers and sisters in Chile get through this devestating time.I am glad that at this time we can overlook our differences and help out those whose greatest posession is HOPE. Thank you for your efforts and donations. What an example to the world of commorodity.

    Auxiliadora Caldera

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words and support.
